I happen to be the only Yankee fan here in the chamber and as someone who likes the only actual Major League Baseball team in New York I truly know what it is to suffer. Oh you don't think so? Well then let me break it down for you. I root for a team that is so successful that in my 21 years of living i have seen 5 World Series championships brought back to by my team. Do you have any idea what the other 16 years are like for a Yankees' fan? I get shit from you assholes that like the Mets and the fucking idiots that like the Sox simply because they're not the Yankees every.single.year! Yeah "boo hoo" right, I probably sound like a "spoiled Yankees fan" don't I? The fact is that it is the stone cold truth. When you root for a team that is so used to winning, anything less than a ring at the end of the year is seen as a failure. If the Mets were to even make it to the playoffs I'm sure half of you would bust a nut on the spot and if the Sox last longer than the Yanks then you guys are happy even if you don't win it all. All I'm saying here is that it's not easy to be the best fucking franchise in all of sports. Get something better to hang your hat on than lasting one game longer than us in a season.
PS : This is one of my favorite youtube clips of all time.
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